Become a home cook

Step 1: Sign up to become a home cook

Fill out basic information about yourself and your experience with cooking (hint: we welcome non-professionals!). We'll run a background check and then send you an update when you're welcome to join the team.

Step 2: Training

Once you're approved to join the platform, complete basic training on food safety, allergy information, and fun cooking techniques. Build your skills in the kitchen and make sure you're ready to wow clients as a home cook! We'll cover the cost of training and compensate you for your time.

Step 3: Start cooking

Browse requests from potential clients in the Homemade app, accept the requests you're excited about, and get cooking!

Join the waitlist

We’re hard at work getting Homemade up and running. If you’d like to be a client or a home cook once we launch, please join our waitlist.